How to be happy with your current life
I have spent a lot of time thinking about happiness and life. Years ago, a dear friend taught me that no one can make me happy but myself. By far this has become the most powerful truth of my life, a belief I have grasped through the dark times. Learning to be happy with the life I have right now, to be content with my home and finances has been another powerful truth. Being happy in the present, having a feeling of contentment with your life will clear your perspective and give you a sense of deep peace.
Over the course of my life, I have lived in a variety of places, had lots of friends and had none. At the end of the day, looking back, I can tell you it was always my choice to be happy in those moments or not. I remember spending hours watching other people, admiring how nothing seemed to ever knock them down, how they never really cared about what others thought. After a few years of watching them with envy, I decided to become one of them.
As I entered this journey, I watched closely, studied what they did and how they acted. They cared deeply, but said little. They never borrowed trouble, yet took full responsibility for anything that was their fault. They listened to friends, but never entered the drama. They knew when to leave, valued alone time, and always gave themselves time to rest. These were changes I was and am capable of making. It’s been an interesting journey, I have slipped up many times, but overall, I am making progress, and finding a deep peace in life and joy in interactions.
While I have goals I am working towards, building a life I love, I am also content with where I am. Looking back, I can see the progress I have made, the lessons learned, and know I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I also deeply believe in Karma. When you invest in others, put positive energy out, go out of your way to be kind, to share, to give a compliment, the energy will return to you. Life is not about the wealth you accumulate, it is about the joy and relationships you find throughout your journey.
Work towards your goals daily, always push yourself to be better, to do better. But balance this drive with being content with your current life. Enjoy the moments and little things. Stop throughout the day just to admire the beauty surrounding you. Do something for someone who can’t pay you back. Mentor someone. Stay grounded and connected with the earth.
The little things in life are what can set the tone of our life. For me, starting the day with a great cup of coffee and my dogs, taking time to meditate and pray, working out, and eating a great breakfast ensures that no matter what I face in the day, my attitude and mind will remain focused on where I am going, not the challenges surrounding me.
Learn to cut the toxic people out of your life. You owe no one anything. You have no responsibility to surround yourself with angry or depressed people. Offer to help, listen, try to make things better for them. Then understand it is their choice to be in this place and you do not have to allow their mood to drag you down. Mental health is very real, and should never be ignored. But if you have done everything humanly possible to get someone help, and they refuse it, you must prioritize your own mental health. For years, I allowed someone to verbally and emotionally abuse me. To blame me for their bad days, depression, and feelings of loneliness. I spent thousands of dollars and millions of hours fixing myself, being the person they wanted me to be, trying to make them happy. When the exhaustion and despair hit, and I realized I had lost myself, I realized I had to stop. I had to make changes to save myself. It was hard. It cost me more than I ever thought possible. And yet, it was the one best decision of my life. I am now working on healing and learning. I am enough and I have value.
Happiness is a natural state for me. I enjoy feeling light, bursting out with laughter, and enjoying moments of pure bliss or beauty. Yes, I work hard, face challenges, and take full responsibility for the choices I make. But I can be happy all while doing this. Surrounding myself with people who feel the same way, who will voluntarily make me laugh when I get too serious, ensure my attitude never falters.
Make the choice to be content. Choose happiness over sadness. Learn to love the life you have while you build the life you want. I promise you will love the results.
Sara O