Overcoming obstacles and setbacks
The saying “Life is a journey” is probably the most accurate colloquialism we have. Every minute of life is a journey, and the similarities to living a full life and preparing for an epic adventure are eerily similar. Life has all the obstacles and setbacks of a long journey, late flights, missed connections and lost luggage. Yet rarely do we understand the need to prepare for this journey, to give ourselves the moments to rest and recuperate, to train for a challenge. Rather, we jump in with both feet, hoping we swim.
Imagine how much more rewarding life could be if we looked at our days as a part of our journey. We never really know our true destination, we know check-in points, we understand short-term goals. We often lack the foresight to understand that all our short-term goals lead to our long-term goals, forming a huge and highly important portion of our journey. In our rush to have all we can, to achieve everything possible, we miss moments, breaks meant to recharge our souls and spirits.
Obstacles are a norm in life. And quite honestly, I believe we should train for them. Athletes spend months training for an event, learning to focus on their achievements, to use the power of their brains to overcome the failings of their bodies. Using repetition, athletes not only improve their performance, but they also develop muscle memory which allows instinct to take over, to drive them past their perceived limits, to unify their body and mind for the single goal of winning. When encountering obstacles during a meet, rather than allowing the obstacles to stop them in their tracks, to keep them from winning, they dig deeper, use resources they stored for this moment, and push through. Imagine if we all trained like this and were as prepared for the obstacles life brings.
When we understand we will face obstacles and setbacks, when we are mentally prepared for them, we are not nearly as surprised by them, and have the resiliency to pivot and keep going. We understand that today we may not have the emotional strength needed to face the challenge, but with some self-care today, we can face it with confidence tomorrow. Learning to identify what we need mentally and emotionally is more than half the battle, understanding the value of self-care, of taking breaks to build strength creates the force needed to overcome the setback.
The breaks we take, the time we spend developing ourselves and our skills, also gives us the opportunity to learn to see other’s perspectives. Past obstacles give us the resources and lessons needed to overcome new setbacks. Perceived failures give us the skills we need to survive today. Scars and wounds protect us from making the same mistake twice. Every moment along our journey is preparing us for the next step, opening our hearts and minds to new lessons and strength.
Imagine each day as a new leg in your journey. What would you do differently today? What would you do the same? What lessons can set you ahead? How have you prepared for today? What are you grateful for? Asking yourself these questions, taking the first few moments of the day to reflect and prepare will empower you for the journey ahead. Learning to stop, enjoy the small moments, to drink your first cup of coffee outside watching the sunrise, while laughing with your puppy will ground you, set you on a path of gratitude and communication with the universe. Creating a routine to work out daily, especially when you don’t want to, and working the parts of your body you really don’t want to, will give you the dogged determination to persevere no matter the obstacle. The things you do for yourself daily, the time you invest in self-care and training, will give you the tenacity and grit to attack your day with passion, to learn the small lessons, to appreciate the beauty, and to know that no matter what, you have what you need to overcome obstacles.